Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tazaki Tsukuru p.7-8. A Japanese-English vocabulary of Haruki Murakami's latest novel.

page 7:

話し込む [はなしこむ: HANASHIKOMU]  to be deep in talk.
設ける [もうける: MOUKERU]  to create, to establish.
成り行き [なりゆき: NARIYUKI]  (1) outcome, development, course of events, progress, result, (2) (abbr) market order, order without limit.
選択肢 [せんたくし: SENTAKUSHI]  choices, alternatives, options.
通常 [つうじょう: TSUUJOU]  common, general, normal, usual.
付いて行ける [ついていける: TSUITEIKERU]  to follow, to keep in pace with, to understand
不登校 [ふとうこう: FUTOUKOU]  truancy, school non-attendance
児童 [じどう: JIDOU]  children, juvenile.
人となり [ひととなり: HITOTONARI]  (1) hereditary disposition, temperament, nature, (2) (arch) body build
抱える [かかえる: KAKAERU]  (1) to hold or carry under or in the arms, (2) to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.), (3) to employ, to engage, to hire.
打ち明ける [うちあける: UCHIAKERU]  to be frank, to speak one's mind, to open one's heart.
調和 [ちょうわ: CHOUWA]  harmony.
[たまたま: TAMATAMA]  casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance.
[もたらす: MOTARASU]  (uk) to bring, to take, to bring about.
融合 [ゆうごう: YUUGOU]  agglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite.
揃える [そろえる: SOROERU]  (1) to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection), (2) to arrange, to put in order, to prepare, to get ready, (3) to make uniform, to make even, to match.
周到 [しゅうとう: SHUUTOU]  scrupulous, meticulous, careful.
[おおよそ: OOYOSO]  (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximately
はみ出す [はみだす: HAMIDASU]  to protrude, to stick out, to hang out, to jut out, to bulge out, to overflow, to be forced out, to be crowded out, to be pushed out, to exceed, to go over, to go beyond

page 8:

傘雲 [かさぐも: KASAGUMO]  cap cloud (cloud shaped like an Asian bamboo hat that forms at the peak of a tall mountain)
団塊世代 [だんかいせだい: DANKAISEDAI]  the babyboomers, the baby boom generation
出費 [しゅっぴ: SHUPPI]  expenses, disbursements.
惜しむ [おしむ: OSHIMU]  (1) to be frugal, to be sparing, (2) to value, to hold dear, (3) to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for), (4) to be unwilling, to be reluctant.
平穏 [へいおん: HEION]  tranquil, calm, restful, peaceful, quiet.
[おおむね: OOMUNE]  (1) (uk) in general, generally, mostly, roughly, largely, mainly, on the whole, by and large, (n) (2) gist, point, main idea
受験 [じゅけん: JUKEN]  taking an examination (esp. school and university entrance).
校 【こう】 (suff) -school; proof; SP
総じて [そうじて: SOUJITE]  in general, generally
[ささやか: SASAYAKA]  meagre, meager, modest.
姓 [せい: SEI]  (1) surname, family name, (2) hereditary title (used in ancient Japan to denote rank and political standing)
無縁 [むえん: MUEN]  (1) unrelated, irrelevant, indifferent, (adj-no,n) (2) without relations (esp. of a deceased person), having no surviving relatives.
疎外感 [そがいかん: SOGAIKAN]  feeling of alienation
少なからず [すくなからず: SUKUNAKARAZU]  considerably, not a little, in no small numbers.
真剣 [しんけん: SHINKEN]  (1) seriousness, earnestness

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